George Harrison: a comparison of "Faster" (MQA)

イメージ 1
Faster 2004 CD

イメージ 2
Faster 2018 MQA CD


Surely the 2018 is louder than the 2004.
I was immediately able to tell it when comparing these two and the fact made me wonder if my ears were shot when I had written about the sound quality on The Beach Boys Endless Summer MQA so I've checked its wave form. The result is below.


イメージ 3
Surfin' Safari 2018 MQA CD
This one looks quite healthy in accordance with how I felt when wrote the column.


After listening cursory to the George Harrison MQA in hi-res, I could say it is not an ear fatiguing CD although it's got to be compressed to some extent. Probably its overall DR score is around 7 or 8.


So..., my conclusion at the moment is that if you don't have a MQA capability, don't bother this version of reissues but if you have it, you might be able to satisfy yourself with the fact that it is at least hi-res which is not available anywhere else at the moment.


Good night.