Beatles:リマスターLP、Please Please Me比較

イメージ 1


リマスター盤の比較第二弾はPlease Please Meなり。
比較するのはこれまたドイツ盤のDie Beatles


リマスター盤はDie Beatlesよりややレベルが低め。
リマスター盤はDie Beatlesと比べ、トップエンドがビリビリしていない。
Die Beatlesの方がこれまでのUK盤の音の傾向の延長線上にあって、ヴォーカルが今回のと比べるとトレブリーで、トップエンドがやや潰れ気味。

イメージ 2

Die Beatlesは全体的に立体感が薄めかな。





That is a great question. How does a new PPM (assuming it's not warped, non-filled, string-of-pearled or stitched) compare to Die Beatles?

Perhaps we need a new thread on this and other comparisons such as the new BFS vs. the tube cut BFS and the new MMT vs. the German Horzu MMT or even the new AR vs. the black triangle Toshiba AR (although it's CD) ... but I happen to have Die Beatles (in NM condition) and the new PPM (EU pressing) so I did the comparison by myself this morning.

I was actually a bit surprised by what I heard. I've learnt from this board that Die Beatles was cut with no compression and perhaps with little EQ but the new one sounds more relaxed as if it were less compressed than Die Beatles. I used "Misery" for the comparison and John's voice on the song from Die Beatles sounds a bit screech-y as if he is tormenting his own vocal cords as hard as he can while his voice on the new one sounds more within the range of the capacity of the vocal cords. It also sounds as if either the top end was added to / strengthened on Die Beatles or it's a little bit rolled off from the new one. Bass sounds more prominent on the new one while Die Beatles sounds a little louder overall but the new one sounds fuller.

I also own a copy of 2-mark UK pressing (-1/-1, tube cut) and I prefer Die Beatles to it but if I had to do nothing but choose just one pressing right here right now, I think I'd have to go for the new one.

Kudos goes to Sean and co..