The Beatles: "The Singles Collections": To procrastinate or not?

Fremerのページに今回のマスタリング(+カッティング?)エンジニアのMr Mageeからのコメントが。今回のボックスは間違いなくAAAですよと。
ただし、Love Me Doはデジタルからカッティング。Mono Mastersではカッティングマスターテープを作成するためにデジタルからテープに落としたが、今回はデジタルから直接。「その方が音がよかったから」、と。(2012年盤は2009年リマスター音源。時期的にはまだMono Mastersのテープを用意していないかも、なので、じゃああれもデジタルから直、か。だとしたら今回との違いは…、マスタリングか。)
From Sean Magee: "The audio I used was the same as the Mono vinyl box that Steve (Berkowitz) and I did (WHICH WAS ALL ANALOG FROM TAPE). It was decided that this was best the way to go in the wake of the Mono Vinyl box. Any eq was based on the original cutting notes made by Harry Moss and the eq Steve and I had arrived at and with a few minor alterations to allow for the 7” medium. Whereas Mono masters LP was a master created for the LP as one didn’t exist , the singles were cut from the masters as there was no need to unpick then to create a 'master." (IN OTHER WORDS, THE PAST MASTERS LP WAS CUT FROM TAPE COPIES [necessary to produce a running master from which to cut lacquers] BUT THESE SINGLES WERE CUT DIRECTLY FROM THE MASTER TAPES). Love me do was direct from digits as the 7” sounded better than from a tape dubbed from our needle drop which was used for the Mono masters LP. I tested both. I hope this helps alleviate any doubt and lower folks blood pressure, Speak to you soon Sean OKAY EVERYONE????????????????????????????????????/

The Ballad of John and Yoko以降はステレオだが、それもAAA。