The Beatles: "The Singles Collection" : They sound excellent, good, okay or dud. Part 2 "She loves you"

先の記事で、「"She loves you"は今までのマスタリングより聞きやすい」、と書いたところ、このビデオが。笑


Kevin Howlett: There are two instances where you did decide to cut from digital masters- Love Me Do and She Loves You. Why?

Sean Magee: Well, Love Me Do, we had to reconstruct, simply because there isn't a tape of that particular recording of the song. It was taken from a pair of seven inchers. One was an original UK pressing. There was some distortion in the harmonica solo so we had to edit in about a second from a pressing in Sweden and amalgamate the two.

She Loves You has always had this, sort of, heinous edit. At some point I think that maybe the tape got hurt and someone has tacked it back together again, because there's a definite level drop, and that level drop isn't present on the original and I took the step of digitizing that one track and then doing the edit to fix it.

Howlett: I've heard another reissue that was done in 1976, and you hear that edit very clearly- the level drops, the EQ changes, but you were always listening to the original 1960s pressing to get it to sound like that.

Magee: Exactly, those were our point of reference. The whole point of the job was to have a box of the original, as near to the original, you know, sixties pressings as possible.


Mr Mageeによると、今回のSLYはデジタルソース&マスタリングであると。








ところで、ついでにB面"I'll get you"も聞き直してみたのだが、逆にこれはどうなのか。今回のリマスター盤は、例の"SFF"同様、ヴォーカルががりがりほそほそきんきんでAMレィディオ状態。ただし、ヴォーカル以外の音感は良好という謎マスタリング。-2盤のほうがfullerかつ心地よいミッドレンジで印象良好。


同じくデジタルソースのFAABとRLは16/44.1と上のビデオでは示唆されているが、掲示板の投稿によれば、波形はよりハイレゾであることを示していると。いずれにせよ、今回のこの2曲の印象はかなり良好(個人の感想です w)。